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Feature update

Background Merge and Split

Adam avatar
Shared by Adam • December 20, 2022

We are pleased to announce we have added support for background settings to merge values between desktop and mobile versions of the site!


  • Mobile/Desktop Merged Background Values
    No more going in and making the change, only to have to laboriously drag your mouse to the other view to repeat the process. Now with a couple of clicks you can merge the settings and any changes are applied to both. If the settings are already the same, we automatically show them as merged, as though through magic. Easily keep your site in sync!

This is without a doubt the greatest merge since chocolate and peanut butter. Or nachos and cheese. Or mashed potatoes and gravy. I really should not write these when I am hungry. We hope you find these merges exciting and helpful, like the items listed above, and not strange and terrifying, like that movie The Thing. The one where the alien merges everyone's DNA together like some kind of monster Play-Doh. That would have been a really great tie in product, honestly. I feel like I missed my calling in toy design. I could have sold dozens of those. The road not taken...

We cannot wait for you to begin merging!